Colorizing Old Memories with Python

Arsh Anwar
4 min readNov 28, 2022


Ever imagined you’ll be able to add colors to your old captured memories? These memories can be anything like a picture of your parents in the 70s, an image taken from an old camera, or your sketch.

With the advancements in Deep Learning technologies, this is possible. Here, we are talking about a DL technique that adds colors to your images.

Colorized image of Deer using My App (Left: original b/w, RIght: Colored output)

Hi Everyone this is Arsh and in Today’s blog we are going to create an ML model which will add colors to the B/W picture, we will deploy the model as a gradio app on TrueFoundry which is an MLOps platform.

So let's get started.

Importing Libraries

from deoldify.visualize import *
import gradio as gr
import torch
from deoldify import device

Here we are going to use DeOldify which is a state-of-the-art model from which enables us to add colors to our B/W images

Creating our Model func

This function is going to use the colorizer object and transform the source image

colorizer = get_image_colorizer(artistic=True) #getting artistic colorizer
def colorize(image_path):
'''Colorize a single image'''
render_factor = 35
image_path = colorizer.plot_transformed_image(
path=image_path, render_factor=render_factor, compare=False, watermarked=False) #inference using colorizer object
return image_path

Building Gradio App

We are going to create our Gradio App and run it on port 8080

with demo:
gr.Markdown("# B/W Image Colorizer")
with gr.Tabs():
with gr.TabItem("Examples"): # If the user wants to use the examples
with gr.Row():
rad1 = gr.components.Radio(
['Image 1', 'Image 2'], label='Select Image and wait till it appears!') # R
img1 = gr.Image(label="Image 1", shape=(300, 300))
submit1 = gr.Button('Submit')
with gr.TabItem("Do it yourself!"): # If the user wants to add their own image
with gr.Row():
img3 = gr.Image(label="Image 1", shape=(300, 300))
submit2 = gr.Button('Submit')

def action1(choice): # Function to show the article when the user selects the article
global filepath
if choice == 'Image 1':
filepath = 'test_images/image.png'
return 'test_images/image.png'
elif choice == 'Image 2':
filepath = 'test_images/image2.jpg'
return 'test_images/image2.jpg'

# Change the image when the user selects the image name
rad1.change(action1, rad1, img1)

# Output for the Highlighted text
op = gr.components.Image(label="Colorized Image", shape=(300, 300))

"### Made with ❤️ by Arsh using TrueFoundry's Gradio Deployment")
"### [Github Repo](")
'### [Blog]()')

def fn(img1): # Main function
global filepath
result = colorize(filepath)
return result, outputs=[
op], inputs=[img1]) # Submit button for the examples

# Submit button for the user input, outputs=[op], inputs=[img1])
demo.queue() # Queue the block
demo.launch(server_port=8080, server_name='') # Launch the gradio block

Both snippets are part of

Test Drive

Running our App by using:


Voila! it runs, Now we will work on deploying this.


We are going to use TrueFoundry for our deployment

Logging into TrueFoundry

Heading to Deployment Section

1) Creating a new deployment

2) Select the Service option and Workspace name

3) Fill out properties and submit

4) Deploying

5) Successful Deployment

6) Final Thoughts

After the deployment, you will be able to use the Gradio App.

The app is deployed here:



The above code is also present in my Repository


  1. TrueFoundry:
  2. TrueFoundry App:
  3. TrueFoundry Docs:
  4. Code:
  5. DeOldify:
  6. My Fork of DeOldify:



Arsh Anwar

AI/ML expert. Built LuciferML (100k+ downloads). Co-founder @Revca, building smart solutions for a sustainable future.